The unfortunate Celebration - MOE & GES praise double track system

 I have been on Twitter since 2010 and I have witnessed many trends including the releases of WASSCE Results. This year's results have also trended but this time, it took a different dimension. Many results posted on the social media application showed outstanding performances from many accounts unlike the usual F9 in chains.

This should be good news right? We're finally making the good grades and that exites all of us. I'm I sad that the children have killed the papers? Definitely not!!! We live by each other's happiness and not by each other's misery, human beings are like that. I am just amazed at the performance and double track system has nothing to do with it. let us not be quick to misinterpret the results, otherwise we won't solve the problem if any.

WASSCE 2021 Examination

The 2021 WASSCE examination was conducted like every other year. Unlike previous times, the exams was taken in August instead of the usual May-June due to the COVID but that's not the only thing that was different about this year's edition. Both during and after the examination, well meaning Ghanaians and some institutions began to express worry about the purported leakes of the papers. Typical of Institutions, WAEC vehemently came out to disband those concerns. 

The Eduwatch report

Eduwatch released a report after the 2021 examination that cited 10 of the papers they had monitored getting leaked through social media platforms. The organization stated that pupils paid between GHC 30 to GHC 150 to get access to the papers before time. This report found its way into the main stream media and WAEC always took the view that it was impossible for papers to leak instead of constituting a full investigation into the merits of the findings of Eduwatch. I was of the view and still am that an allegation of 10 out of 20 leaks could not and should not be swept under the carpet. 
Eduwatch has nothing against WAEC, they're simply doing their job by calling on the real Ghanaians to pay attention to a possible sleeping or corrupt WAEC. I was hoping that Twitter would be trending WAEC examination leaks, I was hoping that GES and the ministry of Education would step in to review processes in the council but NO. The former Minister of Education, Mr. Ablakwa had called on Government to initiate a full independent investigation on the matter. He's a minority so he could only have a say.

WASSCE Results are released - MOE & GES praise double track

In this publication on Twitter, MOE and GES are seen emphasising the success of the 2021 group referring to them as the pioneers of the double track system. This unfortunate move can only be described as political. Even the government has aknowledged the challenges of the double track system and has promised to set aside some 150 million to return to normal schedule. Let no one  describe double track as a success. It is sad to see institutions such as these playing political cards. 

Whose right about this outstanding performance

WAEC and indeed government and the general public are of the view that students have finally taken the examination seriously. Government believes that it's investment in the sector together with free SHS and other programs are the reasons for the success. For this group of people, there's nothing irregular about the examination.

There's the second group who believes that the findings of Eduwatch has been vindicated hence the stunning performance. They believe that the only way such successes could be achieved under the circumstance is by cheating. I am inclined to this group and I am of the opinion that serious irregularities occurred during the exams and needed to be investigated. A first class psychology lecture would tell you that a behavior that is followed by a pleasant outcome is likely to be repeated. In this case hinting that if nothing is done about it, a culture of paper leaking will be established sooner or later.

Verdict: papers leaked, students passed, everyone is happy.the voice of the people is not always the voice of God. WAEC, GES and MOE are clearly wrong here and no one should support them on this.

What if there's a Bigger problem we're ignoring???

Weak systems at WAEC may be a problem, compromised high office personnel at WAEC may be a problem and political interference may also be a problem but what's worse is that we may be dealing with all three problems. Let us not pretend that it just happened because it didn't just happen. 
If we fail to address this problem, we'd be running into a situation when standards are lowered and international recognition becomes non-existent but what's even worse is that we'll be churning out illiterates as graduates. Don't let hunger and thirst for political points lead you to destoy the future of this country. 
No efforts have been made to increase Maths teaches, no efforts have been made to improve the modern of teaching, no efforts have been made to provide maths learning materials and finally no efforts have been made to encourage pupils to love the subject and someone wants us to believe these results are genuine??? 
Eduwatch have done their job by investigating, I have also done my Job by writing my opinion, you also do your Job. THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG.


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