COVID-19 Vaccine - Did you take the mark of the beast???

Did you take the mark of the beast (666) ?

Many preachers all over the world as well as believes in Christian principles have decided not to take the Jab. To them, it is the mark of the beast and only the ungodly would fail to see it. My coworker said "I will never take that thing" when I asked if she has taken her Jab.

Oyedepo of Nigeria warned his church members against COVID-19 Vaccine and in other news Wisconsin pastor who preached against Vaccine asked to step down. It is not uncommon to see these theories all over the internet. It's no one's fault that people want to be cautious so YES it's acceptable. 

Just to be clear "if you took the COVID-19 Vaccine, you didn't take the mark of the beast"

Is vaccination a new thing???

The simple answer is NO!!! We have polio vaccine and yellow fever vaccines that almost everyone has taken at some point. But that raises more questions, so why the resistance if it's similar to previous vaccines? Perception from ignorance is driving these people. 

Why are vaccinated people still contracting COVID-19

No vaccine provides 100 percent immunization just as no medicine is 100 percent effective. The acceptance rate of a vaccine therefore may varies from 90% to 99.99%, which means that there's between 0.01% to 9.99% chance of a vaccinated person contracting COVID-19. This does not negate the efficacy of the vaccine in anyway. Here's a real life cinario, coffee makes people not to sleep, on the contrary coffee makes me over sleep. Does it mean that coffee is ineffective? Absolutely not because I am a minority of one. 

Why do we have a vaccine for COVID-19 so fast?

Technology and science has evolved and now more than ever, humanity is able to improve on production as well as testing of drugs. Technology has created an avenue for scientists to perform same tasks with a fraction of the time and to research at unbelievably fast rates. Why then don't we have a vaccine for HIV? Available resources including technology and medicine still do not permit us to get an HIV vaccine. 

What does the Bible say about the mark of the beast (666)?

In scriptures one could not be confused about where the mark of the beast would be. It is clear that the mark would be on their right hand or forehead revelation 13:16-17. God makes no mistake and when he said right hand or forehead, he meant exactly that. Also, the mark of the beast is expected in the middle of the turbulation which comes after the Christians are taken and we're not there yet. At this point, we are in the end time of the timeline if you may call it. We're experiencing the signs of the end time ( wars and earthquakes). 
It therefore stands to reason that COVID-19 Vaccine could not be the mark of the beast.

Why do people Complain about some side effects?

Anything foreign material introduced into the human body has a side effect. What's important to look at is the extent of the side effect as far as the numbers are concerned. It is normal to experience side effects. What about the magnet issues? Some of those are fake and indeed nothing of that experience has been recorded here in Ghana. We live in an era of information and people do anything to get views and folowers. 

Why should vaccines be compulsory?

Vaccines have always been compulsory because personal rights and preferences do not and would not supercede our national priority. Permission is not sought before babies are vaccinated against the six killer deseases. 
If you don't want to vaccinate, stay in your room or get tested every day at your own cost so we know you're safe. Anything short of that should not be tolerated

What if the vaccine is meant to change our DNA so we can be controlled by the whites.  

Well, that won't be bad because we're already controlled by some power hungry and blood thirsty politicians in the top 1% and in any case the so clled whites do no need a vaccine to control us. We use foreign cosmetics like Nivea, we eat foreign foods like rice and KFC and we drive foreign vehicles too. There 1001 ways the whites can control blacks (Africans) and vaccine is not one of the them.


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