Move to Vodafone now!!! you unpatriotic citizen!!!

what is all this about the E-Levi?

    The ruling NPP government has insisted that the only way they could provide employment is when revenue is raised from this E-Levi which is a total departure from their previous position while in opposition that there is money in Ghana and one does not need to tax or borrow to create employment. That is what politics is all about and we must get use to it. All of us!!!

    The E-Levi is a 1.75% charge that the government seeks to impose of all transactions over and above GHC 100.00 among other things. The minority have sworn never to allow this E-Levi see the light of day and they're right, as an opposition, your Job is to oppose everything that the government brings. 

why move to Vodafone?

    For the records, I have no affiliation whatsoever with Vodafone and they did not ask for this. 

    Now that we have that out of the way, let's deal with the matter. Vodafone charges no one for transactions. I have used Vodafone for so a long time and I have never been charged for transaction. on the other hand, MTN continues to charge users so much for transaction! Ghanaians have enriched MTN so much and I think this is the time to pull the brakes. Instead of paying MTN for charges, you should rather move to Vodafone and give your charges to the government to enable them carry out their programs and projects. 

    Government could raise as much as GHC 6.9 Bn from this levy and it only implies that MTN and the other telco is getting as much as GHC 6.9 Bn every year from you while your government is struggling to create Jobs. Think about it.

    Ghanaians must wake up to the realization that MTN is robbed us for too long.

would the government Use the monies collected for the intended purpose?

No the government would not!!! but while the government would mismanage, misuse and waste the 80%, the remaining 20% would be used for projects that would benefit NPP members who are also Ghanaians and it is totally fine. 
They take 80 and we take 20 and we move.     


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