Why Africa is poor?

     With all the resources and labour force, Sub-Saharan Africa seems to be one of the poorest regions in the world. Why is Africa so poor? What do we need to facilitate development? Even countries that were destroyed during the second world war are now developed wealthy nations. Countries that went through economic depressions are now on top of the world. What is keeping Africa poor?

The lies

Europeans and Americans who always want to hide the truth will like to have us believe that our ‘lack of character and financial intelligence’ is the sole reason for our poverty. 

     This is not entirely true because we are all not like that even though the majority of any society is, the majority is not all and how long can one remain lazy and stupid, making the same mistakes. How come they have the same kind of majority default but still think of themselves better than us. Yes we do not create new ideas for new business markets, we do not invest in the existing ones, we have too many children than we can take care of and we eat and drink a lot, but these things happen everywhere in the world. People like to enjoy life.

     What per cent of Americans are creating new business ideas or investing in already existing businesses and in what ways are they doing these that we are not replicate same in our own

     Have you noticed that African countries with a large number of white citizens are faring better than the rest of us? Have you also noticed that the black neighbourhoods in such countries look just like our ‘dirty smelly impoverished’ countries with little or no white people?  Why is that so? What is the problem? Is there a problem with that in the first place? Don't black people like cleanliness, wealth and progress? 

     I think we are being made to hate ourselves and it is unfortunate. What is poverty and in what direction must progress go? We are being made to think what we have around us is poverty and deprivation. We think we are poor and growing at a very slow rate coloured with words and numbers. We associate well with white and bad with black. The case was quite the opposite in ancient times. 

     This sense of disappointment and frustration has led many to wish for a return to colonization while others daydream about how things would have been if it didn't stop in the first place.  


     They write books and hold symposiums on how to keep us poor and dependant on them for everything including; luxuries, basic consumer products, knowledge, good health, security and salvation to heaven while we already live in paradise. They claim they need our resources to maintain their riches hence we must be made incapable of exploiting the resources on our own. This is why almost all mines and big manufacturing and processing companies in Africa are owned and controlled by the Chinese, French, Americans, British, Germans, Japanese, Russians, Arabians, Israelis, Italians etc.

     So they own the companies that extract the raw materials out of the continent providing jobs to a few here and a lot of them over there in their factories and sales businesses. They also own the small branches of such companies here, keeping most of the profits to themselves, global free-market capitalism. Good business but for who?

     They clearly noted that if Africans were to own and control big businesses they will get poor forever. This is why they must stop us at all costs.

The truth

     White people have always been like this towards us. Some call it racism. I call it envy. We had the better parts of Israel when we lived there. We made Egypt look like paradise and now Sub-Saharan Africa is green flowing with milk and honey. They are always after our blessings. We are the chosen ones, always blessed. Do not listen to their words and figures. If they have the best then they should stay there.

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